A simple Lookup:
A B C D 1 LName FName born Place 2 Kennedy John F.19170529 Brookline, MA 3 Bush George 19460706 New Haven, CT 4 Carter James 19241001 Plains, GA 5 Reagan Ronald 19110206 Tampico, IL 6 Bush G.H.W. 19240612 Milton, MA 7 Ford Gerald 19130714 Omaha, NE
AB1: =VLOOKUP("Carter",$A$1:$D$1000,2,) is suitable when only "James" has to be returned. It is a bad choice beyond that. Why?
The basic information where "James" comes from is not stored by using =VLOOKUP(). It gets lost. It is record n° 4 (headers also count as records here). If "date of birth" and "place" are needed the record must be found again. Imagine we talked about 70,000 rather than 7 presidents, you would have to go through 40,000 comparisons again TWICE.
Y2: "Carter" (so you change the name in a separate cell, not within
the following formula).
Z2: =MATCH($Y2,$A$1:$A$1000,) results 4. With
AA2: =INDEX($A:$D,$Z2,COLUMN(A2)) - copied right until AD2 - you get all 4
presidents data without searching them.
The search takes place only once, in Z2. =INDEX() has sufficient information for direct access to unlimited fields of the record. Excel needs only 40.004 matches or accesses instead of 160.000 before which is only a forth!
More than one record matches:
What happens if all presidents "Bush" are be asked for? That means we would like to see 2 records by 4 fields. It has to be a formula solution, not auto filtering or special filtering.
Y Z AA AB AC AD 1 Bush LName FName born Place 2 3 Bush George 19460706 New Haven, CT 3 6 Bush G.H.W. 19240612 Milton, MA 4 #NA #NA #NA #NA #NA
Y1: Bush
Z2: =MATCH($Y$1,INDEX(A:A,Z1+1):A65000,)+Z1
Copy Z2:AA2 down to row 100 (if you want) and then fill AA2:AD100 right (please note the exact ranges!).
To stealth the formulas of record 3 and
following, select the whole table (Ctrl-A) and format it conditionally by
"Formula is" =OR(ISERROR(A1),($Z1=$Z65536)*($Z1>0)). Fit font
color to background color for invisibility.
Both you can study in the German example Rechnung (invoice), also saved here as Google Spreadsheet. Please enter 1, 2, 3 or 4 into the yellow cell.