Quick time entry: (Franz Pölt)
You would prefer to type 745 instead of 7:45. No problem! Enter the data as number first and apply the following formula later, by copying its values over the quick entered data.
=--TEXT(A1;"0\:00") format cell as [hh]:mm
To be more precise in time use one of the next two formulas:
=--TEXT(A1;"0\:00\:00") format cell as [hh]:mm:ss,
enter 74500 in A1
=--TEXT(A1;"0\:00\:00\.000") format cell as [hh]:mm:ss.000,
enter 74500000 in A1
761 converts to 8:01, 76161 returns #VALUE!, and a typical sledding time (3rd formula) is 104979.
Don't forget: You do not always need a formula. Type in full hours as follows:
9: returns 9:00
Quick date entry:
=--TEXT(A1,"00\/00"&CHOOSE(LOG10(A1)/2,,"\/00","\/0000")), formatted as DD/MM/YY (or as you like).
112 returns 01/12/2006
113 returns 01/01/2013 (13 is not a month)
1212 returns 12/12/2006
1213 returns 01/12/2013 (see 113)
1229 returns 01/12/2029 (see 113)
1230 returns 01/12/1930 (see 113; a two-digit year
returns 1930-2029)
1345 returns #VALUE! since there is no interpretation as
DDMM and MMYY possible
11111 returns 01/11/2011
101111 returns 10/11/2011
1111111 returns #VALUE! because of year not within 1900 and 9999 but 111
or 1111
1121900 returns 01/12/1900
31129999 returns 31/12/9999
Using an Add-In (Ron de Bruin), you do not need the formula and the treatment.